Sunday, April 19, 2015

Heavens Watch update and "NORMAL?".

Yo bros! BUNNY SPEAKING! Im here to update you peoples about Heavens watch! YAYYYYY!!!
OK! So Heavens Watch is currently being animated and animation is a LOOOONG process so please be patient with us! We want the best smoothest animation as possible for you guys! I am also currently Making the soundtrack for the anime and our voice actor for D( Jack Martin) is Working on the opening theme! AWWWW SNAP! But we don't know who will sing the ending theme.....probably duck and i...HAHA. I HAVE NEWS!!!! I have started another Manga for you guys while Heavens watch is being animated! Its called "NORMAL?". NORMAL? is a slice of life comedy about a strange girl named Mitsutani Mei.                                                          

Mei is a strange girl who has weird rumors about her at school that she can see the future and summon demons and spirits. She is very smart and is always in her own world haha.

She is always sleeping in class but still gets the highest scores. When teachers scold her she screams back saying " DONT START SCHOOL SO EARLY THEN! THE NEXT ISSUE OF MANGA CAME OUT LAST NIGHT!! DEAL WITH IT!" lol she got some attitude.....

 She has a couple friends and will dovelope a really relatable character and more friends throughout the story. i hope this manga will make you guys laugh out loud and want to read more. TELL THEN BYEBYE!

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