Saturday, April 11, 2015

Duck's Review Corner: Crayon Pop Edition

I have returned. Hehehehehehe.
This time it is not a boy band that I shall talk about but a girl group. The group that brings sparkles and the group of the popular song Bar Bar Bar, I bring you Crayon Pop. 
Now the music video. As you first look at it it looks like they are the Power Rangers that are from the planets Mars, Jupiter, what ever that planet is in the middle, Saturn, and Mercury or the Moon. They come shooting down from lightning onto a desert's cliff and do some cool slow motion moves. But when they are shown from a father angle they are completely still. Are they playing red light green light with the camera? Well I don't know. But what I do know is that they took one of the powers of an EXO member and can transport themselves back from on top of the cliff to the bottom. When they are on the top they slam their fists on the ground and some chalk like substance is shot into the air. Each member has their own color just like the Power Rangers. However when the singing starts their outfits look like a mix between the Power Rangers and Sailor Moon. Interesting.There is Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Chibi Moon, Sailor Venus, and the unknown orange Sailor Guardian.
One of them even has Sailor Moon's wand that transforms a regular K-pop idol into a jumpsuit wearing person with Mars behind her (well I think that is Mars). Wait...THEY ALL HAVE THE SAILOR MOON WAND?!?!?! What thaaaaaa. There is more than one?! ................
Ok then.
Well that girl gets a lollipop. I want one too. *cries so much that Bunny flies into room and gives me one* Ok now that I got a lollipop lets move on. Oh look a girl in really over sized clothing playing basketball. She shoots. She makes it. Even the twins are amazed at her skills. FM dadadada FM hala
That there is very catchy. Sailor Moon wand activation!!!! 
Except with real people and way cooler affects.
But one thing. Why do all girl super heroes wear high heels? Even Sailor Moon wore high heels. 
Moving on.
That monster tho. It looks like a mix between a werewolf and an ape. Now the Boyfriend is a werewolf. YOU HEAR ME BOYFRIEND. THAT IS A WEREWOLF!!!!
Now the girls of Crayon Pop are challenging a fight with this werewolf and it's minions but this werewolf has a sword. The image then switches to a computer game type setting with the girls spinning and showing their awesome stuff that comes with them. Now all of the words are in English and surprisingly spelled and used correctly. 
What to know a secret?
Come closer 
Now Crayon Pop are actually robots.
And once on of them destroys the minions they just get back up and another girl has to destroy them again. But only them are shown. The others must be laying back watching the show like

But then they come together and redo what they already did twice, destroy the minions. But where is the werewolf? He is nowhere to be seen. Did he just ditch them to fight for themselves? No he was just watching them from the back.
Now once the girl that attacked the werewolf is shot down, all of the girls rush to her side just letting the werewolf have a chance to kill all of them. Like no one thought that two could stay by the fallen warrior and the rest fight the werewolf. No they just all rush to her side, which was not that hard because she just fell into their arms. Then coming all dashingly is a man in an all black suit and cape. Now who is this man? Tuxedo Mask. He throws a red ball at the beast and the werewolf runs away. That werewolf is afraid of a little red ball and not a sword. Oh but how fate is cruel Tuxedo Mask is dead on the ground in front of them. But how did he die? He was clearly not hit. No he died because the red ball was his very last. Tuxedo Mask has fallen (for like the 5th time). The girl that was unconscious like just a second ago is awake and has the red flower in her hand. Wait does that mean that she is Sailor Moon?
The scene then changes back to the cliffs and the werewolf and his gang are driving through. The chalk stuff explode around them and suddenly they are not in their cars? Where did they go? We shall never know. The gladiator werewolf then makes his minions charge at the girls. But where is Tuxedo Mask? Did they just leave him in the street dead?
ok then.
The girls of Crayon Pop then destroy the minions for the last time but fail to get the ring leader and are hit by his light saver sword. But you know who saves the day? These Iron Man twins that have those 1960 type guns. They shoot the werewolf and give Crayon Pop the thumbs up. But wait up the werewolf is not dead! He starts running toward Crayon Pop with his sword but Crayon Pop has microphones. The deadly microphones of justice. The werewolf stops and gives the chance for Crayon Pop to shoot him. But from the video it looks like it is pretty slow you could just dodge it or not stop. You really could. The werewolf blows up which is way better then not being touched at all and die like that *cough cough* Boyfriend *cough cough*.
After the epic death of the gladiator werewolf they stand on the desert hilltop and the girl smells the flower. They then walk into the sunset which came out of no where because I'm sure that it was like lunch time when the werewolf was defeated. But that all cool bro. I don't judge.
But it could have ended like this too.
Like a boss
Good Bye my people.    
I shall return     

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