Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Our First Manga is Almost Ready!!!!

We have been working hard on this manga and we are in the first stages of it. Duck and Bunny have been working hard on this for some time. Duck has been working on the story line for two mouths and just finnished chapter 1! However Bunny just started drawing and it might take awhile to finnish. Now here is a little bit of our first manga called, Hevean's Watch...
 Have you ever heard of time travel? Well of course you do. Everyone has, haven't they? Well most people might say that it is impossible but, it is not. People will probably say if I told them that I was making up stories but what can I say? It does sound unbelievable I mean who would believe a twenty year old girl that comes from another country but what I say is true, I have traveled back in time. That is one hundred percent true because I have evidence. What I used for my time travel is called Heaven's watch. I guess that you guys don't believe me because what type of name is that? I mean Heaven's watch. That sounds like something that comes from a book, right? Well it is real. You can just ask, but I can't tell you to much right now because you just have to read my story to see what I mean. You just have to read. My name is Lily Kwon and this is my story, Heaven's Watch.
How was that? Excited? Bunny is! However Duck has her mind on something else, Boyfriend's teaser that has been released! She is fangirling so much right now. Are you fangirling or fanboying as well? Once released we will be reviewing Boyfriend"s MV and possibly Big Bang's as well! Don't miss out!!!

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