Sunday, March 15, 2015

Duck's Review Corner Boyfriend Edition

Duck here! I know that is has been around a week since Boyfriend's comeback and must of you have seen it but here it is...Duck's Review Corner brings to you Boyfriend's Bounce review!
If you have not seen it than you should take a look at it! When I first looked at it I was very tired and sleepy because I just woke up. Now I know that for all of you bros that is not a good reason for not doing a reaction but please forgive Bunny and I! Now here is some background information about their new style. First they did a Peter Pan style video that had them, Boyfriend, play the pirates and a no faced green man as Peter Pan. Everyone were friends and you can see that Wendy and Caption Hook, played by Donghyun, are a couple. Then out of no where and with no fight Peter Pan takes Wendy and they never see each other again. HOWEVER until Boyfriend find Wendy in this room and they are reunited. Happiness!! Everything shall be fine but oh how we wished fro that. Peter Pan is seen taking the bomb that Boyfriend had made that was not protected and he blows up Wendy. Just blows her up with it.
Now that she has blown up the last scene is the boys of Boyfriend sitting on a chair and Donghyun putting on his hook and becomes Captain Hook.
Now we move onto the music video of Witch in when they are in the world of Little Red Ridding Hood. Oh boy how this one ended. Lets just say that it made no seance. Are they vampires? Are they werewolves? They are werewolves. Yes this is a werewolf according to Boyfriend.
Yes that is the transformation of this werewolf. Now beside the questionable thing the music and dance is AMAZING! But let me tell you one thing the fight scene is what the hell. They are supposedly werewolves correct then they should be able to fight the red hooded girl right? Right? Well they do not and with out even touching them the girl who is Little Red Ridding Hood walks out of the frame like a boss and they boys of Boyfriend are dead. Just like that they are dead.
Now onto their new MV Bounce. First they did Peter Pan. Then Little Red Ridding Hood. And now they have Alice in Wonderland. Let me pore you some tea so you can get all comfy because you shall be here for awhile.
You first see a lobby room with viking music in the background and Little Red Ridding Hood steps out. She starts to take off her hood then the picture changes and you see a table. The table is in a outside set with snow and random stuff all around. There is a card stuck in the snow and the white rabbit sitting on the table. Then a really old watch. However there is snow everywhere the things on the table do not have a speck of snow on them. I mean how could you not have snow on yourself! I mean I would be running through out that place and throwing the snow everywhere. The the image cuts away and you see a jeweled nutcracker. I mean wasn't the nutcracker in the wonderland of Alice? Then Alice sits there with a book bigger than her upper body and stares off into the distance. Then after 21 seconds of viking/church music it starts to play the music. The Boyfriend members are all sitting around the table. One pores some tea. Some drink tea. But no one of them has to add a hat to his tower of hats. Because that is how mopy people put on their hats. We are to cool for one or two hats, no we need three, no four, no ALL THE HATS IN THE WORLD!!! Back to the members. One member strokes the nutcracker which would probably hurt because look at it.
It got them jewels on it. The last member shown is leaning on his cane looking sexily into the camera. Finally they start dancing in the lobby that just 20 seconds before walked and sat in but the hood is no where to be seen. The hood just vanished like Boyfriend's cute styles.
It just vanished. Then after they dance for like a second it shows the Jo twins painting the white flowers red. Sounds familiar well it should because the Queen of Hearts should have her white flowers red or else. Now lets move on. As it shows us more it has an old type of video play when Alice was there and playing with one of the members and smiling. She was smiling happily unlike her smiled that she gave in the beginning. But seriously that nutcracker looks sharp but apparently nobody got the message and they go hugging, stroking, and touching it. Other than that the boys of Boyfriend really like to gamble because they have cards and poker chips. No wonder they can afford to get that jeweled covered nutcracker (probably took it from Block B). Now the cards if you look close enough they have all of the members on them. So they only have around six cards to play. They shouldn't have gotten that nutcracker I tell you. As for the song it pulls you in then the cores starts. BOUNCE COME WITH ME BOUNCE COME WITH ME! BOUNCE BA BA BOUNCE COME WITH ME! That shall be stuck in your head forever and ever. Now we soon find out the reason why that member put on so many hats because it is shown that Alice did also so he feels like she is with him again if he puts on more that two hats. IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!! The white rabbit comes back and Alice pretends to be a rabbit and smirks at the camera because she be like "The rabbit pose will for sure make them come to me and I can kill them again like I did last time" because Alice is Ridding Hood and Ridding Hood is Wendy. The book in the sky is then shown and you know who is under the book? Him.
It seems that he always finds a way to become shirtless in these.
Now we thought that Alice was leering all of Boyfriend to her lobby but it was actually Donghyun. She reaches out her hand and he takes it. Then he moves his hand onto her shoulder and walk around her. Through a bomb and her killing him for not saving her they finally forgive each other. OR HAS SHE?!?! She then leads them to the key book thing and Boyfriend fall through it.
(This key floating book thing)
 But just before that Boyfriend finished their tea and the guy obsessed with hats put all of them on. He looks accomplished. Now remember me telling you that they fell through they key floating book thing. Well they fall through it yes with surprised faces like not just two seconds ago they saw Alice fall through? Well they didn't. Because of the mistake they are stuck in this small room with stripes all over.
Perfect landing. I mean if I fell down that pit of doom when I would have landed I would have fallen and died because I hit they ground to hard and the dent would forever have been there.
Now that they have landed they look into the smallest door possible like Alice could have walked through and peek inside.
Darn it no Alice. But there is this creepy eye. That I'm not going to show you. *evil snikering* . Just have to watch it yourself!
No, I'm not going to show you.
This is life.
Now this is the end of Duck's Review Corner. I shall come back soon bros!


Saturday, March 7, 2015


WE FINALLY DID IIIIITTT!!!! We finally got our first video out! You can check it out on our main channel, Special Little Broccoli. The video is about what Duck and Bunny like to do in their spare time. We will also be posting reactions soon. As for the manga we are still working on it...don't kill us. Please we want to be able to go to Japan and Korea before we die. ANYWAYS, we hope you enjoy our weirdness and bad jokes! Here is a link to the video.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Get to know us! BUNNY edition.

Yo bros! Bunny speaking! Get to know me huh...WELL! I'm bunny and I will be the co-writer and manga artist for The Special little Broccoli. I spend most of my days talking to duck, watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, listening to music (kpop,jpop, and soundtracks), watching korean dramas, and roming the wonderful world of the Internet. I am learning japanese and korean. I love both countries for there culture and food. I've been studying japanese way longer than korean and hoping to study abroad in a couple years. I also love beef......that's kinda weird comment to say but...WHAT EVER MUHAHAHA. I am also a HUGE fangirl. I also read fanfiction. I'm an otaku and I also kinda ran out of manga to please any recommendations would AWESOME!!! Ummm.....thats all I got Bros. Haha. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Our First Manga is Almost Ready!!!!

We have been working hard on this manga and we are in the first stages of it. Duck and Bunny have been working hard on this for some time. Duck has been working on the story line for two mouths and just finnished chapter 1! However Bunny just started drawing and it might take awhile to finnish. Now here is a little bit of our first manga called, Hevean's Watch...
 Have you ever heard of time travel? Well of course you do. Everyone has, haven't they? Well most people might say that it is impossible but, it is not. People will probably say if I told them that I was making up stories but what can I say? It does sound unbelievable I mean who would believe a twenty year old girl that comes from another country but what I say is true, I have traveled back in time. That is one hundred percent true because I have evidence. What I used for my time travel is called Heaven's watch. I guess that you guys don't believe me because what type of name is that? I mean Heaven's watch. That sounds like something that comes from a book, right? Well it is real. You can just ask, but I can't tell you to much right now because you just have to read my story to see what I mean. You just have to read. My name is Lily Kwon and this is my story, Heaven's Watch.
How was that? Excited? Bunny is! However Duck has her mind on something else, Boyfriend's teaser that has been released! She is fangirling so much right now. Are you fangirling or fanboying as well? Once released we will be reviewing Boyfriend"s MV and possibly Big Bang's as well! Don't miss out!!!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Get To Know Us

Even if we just started it would be nice to know who we are. We at The Special Little Broccoli team are here to tell you. For now we will tell you about the youngest of the team, Duck. Duck is the person that will be producing most of the things that you will be reading. She is a fan of both Korea and Japan. First getting into anime and manga she read and watched them all the time. However two or so years later her sister showed her two music videos, Super Junior's Sorry Sorry and G-Dragon's Heartbreaker. That was when she became a k-pop fan. Now in 2015 she is a huge fan of B1A4 and Block B. Her favorite dramas are Shut Up Flower Boy Band and I Hear Your Voice. Duck is also talented in dancing, singing, and in acting. We can't say all about Duck because you just have to find out about her yourself. We will be posting some reviews and such soon! Bunny will also be telling you bros about  her very soon.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


We are the Special Little Broccoli! We are made up of two people, Bunny and Duck. We are both Japanese and Korean fan people. Bunny being into anime, manga, and does listen and watch some k-pop and k-dramas. On the other hand Duck is mostly a fan of k-pop and k-dramas. We will be entertaining you peoples (at least we hope) with original manga by Bunny and Duck, reviewing drams, movies, and music. Bunny will be drawing the manga that we will post and Duck will help with the story line. We also have YouTube channels! Our main channel is Special Little Broccoli and Bunny has a channel of her own called The Chicken Knows All. We hope you enjoy your time with use!