Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Duck's Review Corner: B1A4 Edition a.k.a the Feels Edition

Why hello

Look at that face.
Ok then.
Its been like what a month? Well I have returned for my personal favorite group B1A4. LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!!!!!

Stuff will not have to burn!!!!! yet
Okay let us go
Well for me I LOVE B1A4. They were like my third group that was my number one and they have stayed that way for maybe 2-3 years. My first video I saw of them was Tried to Walk and I was like "Dis way to artsy. Why dat boy have cotton candy for hair? I just go back to my Shinee boyz."
and I clicked out of it.
Then skip like a year later and I saw What's Happening and I was like
"OMG this video! This song is amazing!"

That day I looked at all of their videos starting from the beginning with O.K. Once I got to Tried to Walk I was like
"This song. OMG it's that song."
I watched it and that song made me fall in love with them.

Any way lets move on.
B1A4's new song Sweet Girl is a fun funky song about confessing about a love at first sight. Like how I did when I saw CNU (p.s. he be my unlimite bias).

Look at that

Who wouldn't love that.
Anyway........back to the song.
For me I watch Korean dramas and I know most people when one of the members of their favorite band is in the show they watch it no matter what. Well that was the reason why I watched the Korean drama She is Wow. I watched it for Jinyoung and you know when you have to listen to the title/character intro there is that song that is forever stuck in your head. That is the case for me for the intro and that intro reminds me of the beginning of Sweet Girl. With the piano playing with the water sound effect it really sounds like She is Wow. Well look its a girl. That girl is probably going to be the love interest of ALL five members, however it is not twelve or some odd number *cough cough* EXO *cough cough*. Before we move on oh my god did you see them members. *faints*

If y'all know B1A4 they usually look like this

But then they just show up like this

Fangirl self not ready at all
This song tho
It got the vibe of B1A4
That sweet, slow, honey coated type song. Yes honey coated. That is a song type. It seems that all B1A4 members try to make the girl fall in love in sweet and romanic ways. Gongchan dances with her in a ballroom like she is a princess, CNU comes out of the 2ne1/BTS mist and does magic for her,

Jinyoung built a blanket fort in the middle what seems like a library thats all cozy for reading with fireflies all around, Sandeul takes her to a magical cloud castle that they jump around on and eat the clouds, and Baro does what? He could have gone on a walk with her through a garden or made her food but he chooses to walk after her and into different rooms. So Gongchan is the prince, Jinyoung is the fort builder/librarian, CNU is the magician, Sandeul is the cupid thing, ad Baro is the night watcher/guard of the dream castle. If I was there you know where I could be...*cough cough* CNU *cough cough*....
However did you see Sandeul. That hair. It looks so pretty on him. That light pink hair. Speaking of hair...
*fire in eyes with big booming voice* CNU if you ever have kpop normal short stuff hair there will have to be stuff burning.
(yep things will always burn *sigh*)

Well lets check up on the other members.
Yep Baro is still playing hind 'n' go seek, Jinyoung is reading a book and tries to kiss the girl but she wakes up, Gongchan is still doing the waltz, and oh look CNU makes butterflies appear from no where.

Look how happy he is.
My question is how did Gongchan and that girl get onto the balcony? Did CNU help?

Nope Minho did.
*whispers magic into your ear and disappears into the 2ne1/BTS smoke*
That dance tho. I want to learn it. However I say that for every dance. *cries tears of blood*

I shall do it.

Anyways that's kinda the end......

                                                                 BUT WAIT
It might be awhile until the next Duck's Review Corner because school is starting

JK its really like this

I have to say goodbye now but here is a little goodbye speech



Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Duck's Review Corner: Infinite Edition

HEEEEEELLLLLOOOOOO!!!!!! I have returned! I know I have missed many debuts and comebacks but there are reasons for that misfortune. BUUUUUUUTTTT for now just sit in your seats and I shall get to them someday.......I even made a list for y'all. However for now we are going into war with ourselves with Infinite's Bad! *trumpets sound off in the distance*

Now what is the first thing we see here? We see that garage. You know that one. That one that was in Taemin's music video....yuuuuusssss....that one. Now who is it? IIIIITTT"""SSSSS.......well we don't know because he dons't show his face. However what is he running from? He looks scared. Should we fear it? Who is that demand that is chasing him? We shall soon find out. I may not be a hard core Infinite fan but this song, oh my god, the feels.

The Duck likes.
This beat is soon amazing.When I first liked it I was like, "What the...why is it called bad? This is going to be so sexualized and such." but oh how was I wrong. Just as a personal reason almost any song with a violin in it will automatically be in my good books because hay I've been playing the violin for around 7-8 years. My feels are connected to the violin. I'm looking at your Henry. Remember what I have told you. Reeeemmmmemmmbeeerrrrrrrr.

Any way
Back to the song
When the guy starts singing of my god this song is just amazing. It is only 14 seconds in and I already like this song. Now that is amazing. The video shows clips of the members dancing in a strangely lit room with a frame in front of them like they are a picture or a mirror of themselves. The guy, lets call him S (hahaha I don't know their names....only L because I watched Shut Up Flower Boy Band), has a bandaged hand like he punched the mirror, which explains the cracked mirror. 7 years of bad luck dude. I should know...I'm still not done with mine. *sigh* Just two more years. The picture then turns back to S running. However it swiftly changes to a creepy girl standing in the room. Just all by herself. In that room with her hair covering her face. The camera then goes for a close up of her face and there she is an Avatar. DUN DUUUUNNN. Her blue skin shows off her light green eyes and her evil smile. Is this who Infinite is trying to be away from? Now just with that into it is amazing buuuttttt.....when they actually start to speak/sing it is AMAZING *sings in a high pitch voice*. The different members each have a different verse as they stand off to their broken reflection in the mirror. I imagine them like "Yay will you stop breaking the mirrors! I have to angrily sing and or rap at my reflection angrily! I can't have a broken reflection!" However they sing at it anyway. Now W, lets call him that, sits in front of a mirror singing with a pained expression, probably from that shirt or maybe because he hasn't seen light for days. I mean for the whole video they have that weird pink/blue lighting, the bathroom isn't even better. We then move to S sitting in a different room on a chair. Even with a bed that looks way more comfortable he disides to sit on that wooden chair (it may be metal, I don't know). He then turns and we see L in the mirror not S. What happened? They look as if they are in the same room is that a window? Upon this S looks back to the camera and then the chorus began.
Bad bad but not a bad bad girl.
Even with this sentence the song is still catchy. My question is what does that mean. You are calling the girl bad but she isn't a bad girl.

Aaaannnnyyy waaaayyyy
Lets move on from that

You know that Avatar girl from earlier....yay...she be crazy. She be grinning evilly when she is that room, she be standing in the window, that is 101 in the crazy book. She out to get you Infinite. However they don't listen to reason. They stay there and sit in random rooms and sing and or rap in front of a cracked mirror. Anyway. S is still running from that demand thing behind him. However the girl is now inside their bathroom. She gonna get you Infinite.The video then moves on and later on one of the members punches the already punched mirror. Like it needed anymore punching. However he is nice enough to hit were the mirror was pushed before, how nice. Then oh the feels exploded.

Have I told you guys how much I love rapping. That deep voice that starts speaking and I have no idea what they are saying, yes I like rapping. Funny how I sing and can kinda rap and is attacked to rapping, don't get me wrong I do love singing too but oh my god this rapping part.

But wait is that you Leo?

Anyway back to the song!

The maknae, ummmmm C (I don't know any longer), just sits there and looks unafraid of the pending doom upon him. The lady creeper has found him and is trying to take his prisoner  by hitting the skylights. Yep instead of finding the door she hits the skylights. I'm pretty sure that there is a door because how does he get to the bathroom? Then Wis shown in the room and the creeper lady has also found him, except he is a bit more scared...since he is in a ball. Instead of hitting the skylights she hits the mirrors. The mirrors that are foggy and seem like windows which might explain why there is no reflection. Moving on even further we see the bathroom again, however when H is singing to the mirror instead of his reflection we see L's. That bathroom looks really clean now tat I think about it. I mean it look's like a dorm's or school's bathroom. I don't think that during the time that they are stuck in their rooms or hiding from the creeper lady did they have the time to clean the toilet. Maybe it was magic.

Ah! Expecting that Minho gif right! Gotcha!!!! HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

J.K. Here it is

Now moving on the plant in W's room is on fire. Well is smoking actually. Like that smoke from 2ne1's Come Back Home MV, yay that smoke, you know what I'm talking about.

Yes that one.
However it isn't just from the plant...it's coming from the mirror too! What's going to happen to W? He needs a mask from this....what shall he do? Well he is going to turn into S of course. W is no where to be seen, only S remains. Happiness!!!! Do you know why? Because Infinite (well most of them) have been seen outside of their rooms and bathrooms.

Oh look we haven't seen this scene in awhile. Well looks like S is still being chased by that demand thing. Meanwhile back at the house they are still stuck in that house. Now for more breaking news. It seams that S has stopped running from the demand thing and has fully turned around to see.....himself. Himself in a mirror more to say. Here comes that voice over of the person saying HHHHHAAAAAYYYY, or OOOOHHHHHHH, or YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY.  Oh no it seems that the creepy lady has fought up to H (I think he is Hoya), however he isn't even phased. He just turns and watches as the arms snake around the mirror. More images then flash on the screen before it shows a picture of the lady with a bloody ax. Hoya (I think), well H is now gone. Who is next?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! Well now we know why she knows where they are because the TV shows all. DUN DUUUUNNN! Back in the garage the demand S looks at himself and smiles before turning away. The image then goes to L who we see clearly in the mirror however when the camera moves away there is no body to be reflected. L IS ON THE CRAZY LADY'S TEAM!!!!!!!! Just kidding....OR AM I?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!
Then we see that Hoya is really alive and he has a stare down with the mirror. Good nobody got taken by the crazy lady.

BOOM! Then the rapping guy from earlier, ummmm M, is snatched when he walks to the mirror to see who it is. NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Not the rapper!
More images flash up and the video finally ends with S looking into the mirror in the garage with the logo displayed above him.

Thus ending the video for Infinite's Bad.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I haven't done this in such a long time. Oh god. Bunny help me.
Never mind then.
Moving on.

It Summer! Like a month into summer but who cares! It's summer!

Hahahahahahaha, I have so much to do. I have like 20 more bands to do plus summer homework and work.......*sigh* I can do it!

That face tho.
Anyway.............I have one thing to say.
*Says with deep scary voice with flames behind me and flames in my eyes*
B1A4 if you don't have a comeback in August like it is rumored then things might just start burning.

Good we had this talk.
Now then lets just say that Bunny's an my humor, well mainly mine, is weird....we know that. We also know that we, well I, have lots of pictures and gifs.Yes we know, we know young grasshoppers.
However we, well I regret nothing.

Gongchan is going to be in A Song For You *happy sequels of joy* with Kangin (I think) from Super Junior (please don't kill me if I got it wrong), and Amber from f(x)! YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSS

Wen am I going to leave? I don't know, when will I? When shall I come back? That I also don't know. All I know is that I will someday or sometime but not right now. Will I ever shut up?

Well not now at least. Lets see how many gifs can I use right now? ummmmmmm......how about this one.
When you are stuck in school and you see a friend outside and they brag in your face that they are out and you are in.

Well thats all I have for now...........

J.K I had one more.......ok then............................