Any way. It is a day for BTS.
Now what version should I choose for this review? The 19 rated one or the other one? Which one? Actually the 19 rated video only shows some parts with someone stabbing another guy with a bottle and some other things like that but it is not really well you know what I mean. *cough cough* U-Kiss *cough cough*
Now what shall we see first? A car? A wooden crate? A church? What will we see? We see Big Hit Entertainment. Yes this is Big Hit Entertainment. Moving on. We now see flower petals in a boy"s hands. The camera moves up and we get to see the boy's face. In the background there is this piano type music. Then the face moves on and we see a new face. This face is in a bathroom.Wiping his chin like almost every k-pop star does. Then we move our scene outside. We see a boy walking on a bridge. Swinging his arms around as he walks around. We finally see his face. Then we move away from his face. The camera then shows a boy sitting in the walkway of an apartment building. Surrounded by garbage and bottles. So many boys. Then a boy laying on his white bed is shown. He looks over to his right but no one is there. Probably where is girlfriend used to sleep. However this boy is laying on his bed in the cloths. Hmm. Also that bed is way to close to the heater/fan thing. I mean it could catch on fire or something. Then we see another boy. He looks like he is up against a fence and smoking. However in reality he is at a gas station and sucking on a lollypop. Then it shows another boy in a bathtub burning a piece of money. I don't know if that is illegal or not but I'm just going to go with it. So much sadness. However that boy just lets go of the burning piece of money onto the ground. Shouldn't there be a fire or something? Or is there no rug? I don't know. Now that is just the introduction. Prepare for more. HAHAHAHA!!!!
Moving on.
After 1 minute and 2 second the music finally starts!
We see a boy sitting on a bed. The heater/air conditioner is still really close to the bed. THE TEARS ARE HERE! The single tear of importance as reappeared!
Moving on from the dramatic tear of single importance we see a boy in a tub. Sitting in the tub fully dressed and turning on the water. Now when I see this I know what is going to happen. Moving from the fully dressed man and the tub, we see the boy that was laying on the bed. However he is no longer laying on the bed but sitting on it. With a lighter. He questions if he should do anything with it but turning the lighter on and off. But he chooses to go back to laying on the bed. You remember the guy in the bathroom. No the other one. The one that was wiping his chin. Yah that one. Well he reaches into the cabinet, which is also a mirror, and grabs one of the pill bottles. He dumped all of them into his hand but only four stay in his hand due to the fact that all of them fell through his figures and into the sink. He then swallows them.
We all know where this is heading. Hay remember that first guy we saw with the flower petals? Yah he returned. The boy places the flower petals onto the floor. Oh look a new guy. Oh you wonder who I'm talking about. Yah that boy that was around the trash and bottles. Yah he looks like he is going to kill someone in the outfit. After walking oh so coolly away the scene then shows all of the BTS boys walking in a train storage house. They then do proceed onto climbing into one of the cars and magically come onto the roof of the train cars.
Now just on my seeing abilities I believe that all of the boys of BTS have lost their girlfriends and are missing them badly. They are telling their ex-girlfriends that they need them back by saying "I need you girl." over and over again. But upon seeing their fellow friends they act like nothing is wrong and go about their business even when they are hurting inside. They are hurting so much inside that one of the member's doesn't even notice that he is walking straight into two buff men. However if I was in the situation that someone was going to walk into me I would at least attempted to move out of the way. That is just my opinion. Because of this member hitting one of the guy's shoulder he is beaten up and choked. Man that guy has some anger issues. He may need that checked. However the member brakes away from the choke from just swatting the man's hand away. If he beat you up I'm pretty sure that he will be able to still choke you and you should be out of breath and have little energy because as I said before you were being choked. Well they just don't listen to logic and they continue to fight. Away from the fight scene the flower petals that were set on the floor earlier are now on fire. Then you see all of the member's of BTS running through a really long hallway. All happy and stuff.
Not knowing what will happen to them. I am beginning to see that the boys of BTS really like to look at themselves because of how many times they have looked into some sort of mirror. FOOOOOODD!!!! THEY GET FOOD!!!! That place looks shady...BUT WHO CARES THERE IS FOOOOOOD!!!!
Calm down Duck. Calm yourself.
Alright moving on
Once the two members get to the table. They just start throwing the food at each other. For no particular reason.
The member that had the food thrown at him seems pretty mad too because he does this.
Just kidding we have no idea what he does because then it shown another member dancing on the table.
Oh you want to know what is happening here? Well they are laying in the middle of the desert. That is what they are doing. Well until some other members come in a car and drive around them. The image then changes to Rap Monster (yes I know his name) be given money, or something like that, at his gas station that he works at. Except that they never give it to him because they through it out the window and drive away. Away from that the image then shows another member walking on a bridge. He looks pail and sickly. That maybe because he was the one that took the pills. Ah, we all know where this is heading. The sun blazes down upon him as he walks slowly on the sidewalk of the bridge. Then on another bridge V (yes I know his name too) walks on the sidewalk of that bridge with a stick. Now we haven't seen him in a while. You know that guy that was getting beat up for walking into a man's shoulder. Yah he is beaten up but when there is a close up of his face that was clearly pictured as being hit many times has no damage at all.
After the beating fest we then see the guy that took the pills fall (probably fainted or dead) on the sidewalk of the bridge. However no one stops or even slow down. They just go on with their business ignoring the fact that there is a possible dead boy on the sidewalk of the bridge. I would of have at least of slowed down. Hey remember that one guy that burned the money in the bathtub. Yah well he is now out of the bathtub and has water splashing all over him because that tub be full. Oh yeah remember me saying in the beginning how that one guy (V) looked like he was going to kill someone? Well it looks like he will because the image shows V walking in on an argument that his ex-girlfriend (?) and new boyfriend are having. V takes a bottle that was on the table next to him and goes in for the attack. However we don;t see anything else because it then shows V walking into the middle of the street and gets hit by the car. Oh look we do get to see what happens because it shows V hitting the guy over the head with the bottle.Then it shows the milky water and a boy slowly covering his head with water.
The next image has all of the BTS boys running oh so happily. They then start a fire that they are surprised when it starts. Hmm...okay then. However V doesn't stop there. Remember when he hit that guy over the head with the bottle? He then starts stabbing him with that broken bottle. While he does that it shows small clips of the BTS boys being happy together. I'm not sure how many times V stabbed the guy but that guy is dead for sure. V then realizes what he did and stands back in horror.
Then out of horror stabs the ex-girlfriend or the ex-girlfriend takes V's hand and stabs herself with the bottle. I can't decide which one. It then shows all of BTS playing with fire ]crackers. All happy. Then one of the members, the one that was lying on the bed soaks it in probably gasoline. Then sets it on fire as he stands coolly in the middle. However the whole room is on fire but not the bed that was covered in the gasoline. It then shows all of BTS happily running along the road.
They finally found happiness!!! YAY!!!!
The boys of BTS are now dead.
I have nothing to say.
I shall be back!!!!
Oh yah
I have something to say. Bunny and I are preparing for some dances for y'all. I hope that you enjoy our humor until then because haha we sure have a lot where that comes from.
Duck out.